Grasping The Formless: Satoshi Kondo's Spring Summer 2024 Collection

During this season’s exceptional highlights at Paris Fashion Week, Champ Editor Joanna Kawecki selects the unwavering beauty and sense of freedom that Satoshi Kondo’s latest ISSEY MIYAKE SPRING SUMMER 2024 COLLECTION articulated with its organic silhouettes, unrestrained forms, exquisite colours.
Titled ‘Grasping The Formless’ followed by a poem detailing Kondo’s thought-process in his seasonal formula, the collection observes the concept of fleeting beauty such as a gentle wind, flickering flame, or flowing water.
Just as the human body sees subtle, metamorphous changes, so does the intricacy of the mind. Kondo suggests to grasp this subtle beauty and all its extraordinary nuances, celebrating it as vividly as possible.

Text: Champ Editor in-Chief Joanna Kawecki