Ill Studio
Making Waves: The Autodidact, Multidisciplinary Paris-based Art Direction Studio

Art-direction, photography, fashion, film and design are all genres the rule-breaking Ill-Studio evolve in. The studio based in Paris, have worked and collaborated with renowned brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Supreme and Nike. As autocrats and all self-taught, the Ill-Studio team describe it as a strong advantage, “This ‘freedom’ of action is very important in our vision. There’s also a whole lot of things that school cannot teach you such as building a network, dealing with money, talking to very different type of people. Being creative is only 50% of our job”.

With the studio constantly working on new projects, their definitive aesthetic is definitely in demand. Their particular style has found it’s way to galleries, being exhibited in New York, Paris, Stockholm, Madrid and Berlin.
Combining genres, crossing borders, changing labels, the Ill-Studio vision remains strong. For 2015 they look to direct more videos, design more clothes, publish more books and work on more exhibitions. As they continue to progress in their work, the bar raises higher for everyone else

“REBELLION is a personal approach of things. Something that makes you want to find an alternative way of thinking or doing things depending on your direct environment. It doesn’t have to be subversive, anti-conformist or against the society. Subversiveness is pretty conformist in 2014.” Ill Studio

This feature was originally published in Ala Champ Print Edition Issue 9 (2015)