Artist Lee Ufan Presents New Works at Pace Gallery East Hampton

As a reaction to the changes the recent pandemic, artist Lee Ufan spent the time based in his studio in Kamakura, Japan making new works. Finding solace in his practise, Lee expressed his experience and thoughts in the creation of new works — three paintings and three watercolours. Now presented at PACE Gallery in their East Hampton space until August 8, the series shares the familiar with the new.
The series presents Lee’s signature brushstrokes — the tones are earthy and warm, a rhythm known throughout the artist’s career — yet this time his dialogues coming from a new perspective. Applying his distinct approach to colour and space to the new works, Lee looked inward during his time spent in Kamakura. Penning an essay to his global audience, Lee mused “Presently I am secluded at home, absorbed in thought and gazing at the outdoors. While I abhor the new coronavirus, I am digesting the message it brought. The virus is artistic in that the fear and confusion caused by its incomprehensible nature makes the world look new.”
Evolving as one does, Lee’s works look outward, with the presence of his strokes on the handmade and hand-selected canvas creating a new perspective for the viewer, for a moment absorbing their own thought to resonate a moment of reflection and tranquility.