Ala Champ


Meet the Collector Reviving Interest in the famed Japanese Textile Boro

August, 2024
Tera Kura | Photography Champ Magazine©

Ryuichi Sato, aka Tera Kura, is a Tokyo-based curio dealer specialising in Boro, the sought-after Japanese textile embedded with history through its hand-woven or hand-stitched detailing and form. Boro (ぼろ), is a type of Japanese textile that has been re-woven, stitched or patched together, is comprised of natural fibre textile such as cotton, linen and hemp, as a cost-efficient solution for garment longevity. Worn by pheasant farmers who were exposed to the elements and needed reliable clothing for their work, their garment repair was done by family members with care and consideration. 

The Fukushima-born collector finds and sources premium boro in an attempt to keep educate and share the importance of this textile in Japan’s history. Both as a collector and merchant, Sato is as humble as the modest art form he is so passionate about just like his father, also a curio dealer. Tera Kura styles this beautiful textile in his work with clients, aiming to share the beauty of this Japanese tradition in a modern way.

Tera Kura | Photography Champ Magazine©

Boro in perfect condition – still-intact – is rare to find. Garments would would be passed down generation to generation in families to wear, use and repair as required. Boro often uses sashiko stitching to reinforce a textile – using spare scraps of fabric – to repair utilitarian garments such as coats, trousers or jackets for farmers. Original garments were mainly indigo-dyed linen or hemp, referencing the era they were used in by farmers in Japan daily. 

These garments were workwear, made to be worn for practical use, and in turn became embedded with layers of story-telling and meaning. 

Their constant repair by family over generations, makes these garments and their textile so precious and emotionally-charged. After years of constant care by farmers’ family members, there are different levels of repair possible to find in each garment, conveying farmers’ ethos of re-use and repair, turning it into an art form. 

We spoke to Tera Kura to find out more about his work and his rare collection of Japan’s finest Boro:

Tera Kura | Photography Champ Magazine©
Tera Kura | Photography Champ Magazine©

佐藤自身と佐藤の仕事について教えてください。ボロへの興味はどこから始まったのですか? ボロの収集を始めたきっかけは何ですか?




Tell us about yourself and your work, where did your interest in Boro begin? How did you begin collecting Boro?

My work includes dealing and selling vintage Japanese fabrics, clothing, and other antiques. My first encounter with boro was when I came across authentic boro items that my father was first selling. I happened to be at an antique market and saw some boro in my father’s stall and thought to myself, ‘I’d like to try wearing them.’

It all stemmed from this experience, and from then on, I have continued to pursue collecting antiques from Japan’s ‘Snow Country’ such as Tohoku, Niigata, Nagano, Ishikawa and Fukushima  specifically Aizu, where I was born and raised.



You also work as a stylist with Boro. Why do you like styling these old items in new ways?
I currently don’t work as a stylist. Rather, I enjoy showcasing what I currently own according to my own intuition and taste.

Tera Kura | Photography Champ Magazine©

Can you tell us about some of the special projects you have worked with on different clients?
I supply products and textiles for various clients who use it for their own subsequent product development and projects.



How many Boro items are in your entire collection?
I sell items as they come into my possession, so my quantity varies from time to time.


Can you tell us about the favourite items in your collection?
Children’s items.


What are your plans for the future with your business and collecting?
I don’t have any clear plans, but as long as I can, I want to continue dealing in antiques, cherishing my own feelings at the time.


Tera Kura | Photography Champ Magazine©

Images: As credited, Champ Creative© 
Interview: Champ Editorial Director Monique Kawecki  

For more about design and culture in Japan, check here

August, 2024