Ala Champ

Museum of Natural History, Paris

Photographer Ryan Hopkinson visits the Gallery Of Paleaontology

May, 2017

Also known as the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, is actually a series of 14 buildings located across Paris.

Here pictured,  find the spectacular building The Gallery of Palaeontology and Comparative Anatomy, in the heart of Jardin des Plantes botanical gardens, housing artefacts on display for the public.

Formally founded in 1793, the museum champions education, science and culture through it’s spaces Gallery of Mineralogy and Geology, Grande Galerie de l’Evolution showcasing a vital insight into the evolution of species and man with over 7000 preserved animal specimens in a 19th-century hall.

The Gallery of Palaeontology
2 Rue Buffon, 75005
Paris, France

May, 2017